No matter how powerful he was, he was still their son

Of course they didn't!

They had been looking for Sheng nanxuan for the past two months. They believed that Sheng nanxuan must have been behind Sheng Dongyi's arrest!

Otherwise, where did the evidence and The Witness Song zijie come from?

It must have been Sheng nanxuan's arrangement!

They wanted to find Sheng nanxuan and clear Sheng Dongyi's name, but they could not find him!

Until a few days ago, they heard the whole of Beijing's upper class discussing: The night God wanted to hold a 100-day celebration for his son! The night God was Sheng nanxuan, the one who had been expelled from the Sheng family!

The two of them were extremely shocked!

They had been in Beijing for some time and naturally knew who the night God was!

They had been afraid of that legendary figure, but when they heard that he was Sheng nanxuan, they were not afraid anymore.