If I don't teach you, who will?

Gong mo and Sheng nanxuan returned to the villa. When they passed by the living room, they saw a black velvet box on the table.

The guests 'gifts had been specially arranged by someone, so it was impossible for them to be left here.

Sheng nanxuan was afraid that someone would take the opportunity to install a bomb and send it in, so he carefully shielded Gong mo behind him.

"What are you doing?" Gong mo looked at him in confusion.

He shook his head and gently picked up the box. He didn't feel anything strange, so he slowly opened the lid.

"Ah!" Gong mo looked at the items inside and said in surprise, "isn't this the necklace that Gambino bought?"

"It should be for mom." Sheng nanxuan recalled what Gambino had done before. I think he has already shown it to mom. I wonder if she has accepted it.

"I'll go ask her."

"Alright," he said. Sheng nanxuan gave her the Jade.