Locate Gong Mo's mobile phone

Sheng nanxuan took a sip of the milk and looked at the crying child. "What's the Difference?"

"Aiya!" There was too much information in his words. Shan Rong couldn't take it anymore and turned to leave. I'm going to call Gong mo. You go and coax him first.

"Get some water," Sheng nanxuan said to nanny Yue.

It's fine if you don't drink milk, but drink water!

He stuffed the milk bottle filled with water into the child's mouth. The child was stunned for a moment, then turned his head away and continued to cry.

Sheng nanxuan chased after him and fed him. When he was tired from crying, he smacked him again.

Sheng nanxuan thought it was fun and teased him. After a while, he suddenly changed the water to milk powder.

The child didn't know. He took a sip and realized that it tasted much better than water. He couldn't help but take two more sips.

Sheng nanxuan said,'didn't I still eat it? Wait a minute-"