Taking turns to control the body

Shan Rong covered her mouth and looked straight at him, tears welling up in her eyes.

"A broken corpse. I didn't even think that it was me. Because I'm still alive! It could be someone who looks like me, or they made a clone of me. It was a laboratory, after all, and anything could happen.

It took me a long time to understand what had happened. But I find it unbelievable. How can a brain transplant be so easy to succeed? It was in a small laboratory in the Sheng family!

I was lying on the experimental bed, being observed by them and recording all kinds of data. Gradually, I felt that there was another person's thoughts in my mind. It was the original owner of this body. That's why I feel that they definitely didn't change their brains, at least not the whole brain. Maybe a part of it was changed, like the memory center, because my memory has been completely preserved."

At this point, Gambino paused for a moment and looked at them."Who do you think I am?"