
Outside shengshi medical garden, police cars, reporter vans, and buses packed by protestors were parked everywhere, blocking the road.

The police, reporters, protestors, and many shengshi pharmaceutical employees ran into the medical garden.

Yu Qingliu and Yu Xinran were sitting in the car. Seeing that most of the people had arrived, they also got out of the car and followed.

The entire medical garden was noisy. The two of them were mixed in the crowd and did not attract any attention.

If Sheng nanxuan had not been so mysterious, they would not have wanted to see this farce.

It was just some animal corpses. If shengshi pharmaceuticals used animals for experiments, it wouldn't attract much attention other than causing animal lovers 'adrenaline to soar. It was better to say that there were quality problems with the drugs produced by shengshi pharmaceuticals, just like the strategy used by the Wu family more than 20 years ago.