You can come along

Yu Qingliu nodded,"Yingluo already looks like it." If he was in a vegetative state, he might wake up at any time, or he might not wake up for a lifetime. So we'll observe him for a few more days and judge according to his physical indicators. Then we'll know if he's-"

"You quack!" Jason pounced on him and punched him to the ground.

how can you hit people?! Yu Xinran shouted and hurriedly helped her up. my uncle is the best doctor in the world!

"You're a quack if you can't cure my boss!" Another man behind Jason said.

This man was called Primo, and like Jason, he was a capable general under Gambino. However, he had been in Italy before and had just arrived today.

According to Sheng nanxuan's speculation, Gambino had left him in Italy when he was out. It was obvious that he had great trust in Him. His ability was most likely above Jason's, and he could take charge of things on his own.

Primo had a cold temperament and looked more imposing than Jason.