The little girl seems to like you

Everyone was dumbfounded!

This lady, why are you suddenly crying? And you said we don't care about you! You were not like this just now!

Wu Di wanted to cry even more!

How could he have forgotten that ding dang was an uncle fanatic?

His little uncle was a standard uncle! He was handsome and a doctor. All the female patients who came to the hospital were from 18 to 80 years old, and they were all elated to see him! Sometimes, even male patients would fall for it!

Wuwuwu, he had simply shot himself in the foot!

"Let me see."

Yu Qingliu was speechless as she squatted in front of ding dang. Little girl, your acting is fake! You were shouting so loudly just now, and I heard everything. What's the point of acting now? I already know your true colors. I definitely won't like you!

"It's dislocated," Yu Qingliu said after checking."It's not serious." You said you're a public servant, what do you do?"

"Police!" Ding dang answered proudly.