It's settled then

Everyone couldn't help but frown. Yu Zhengming said in confusion, " this child, what must Yueyue do before she's willing to get married? "

The group of people filed into the dining room, and Yu Qingliu was already drinking the soup.

Wu surong sat down and said, Qingliu, Yingluo, if you have a boyfriend, bring him back for us to see. We won't object.

pfft-" Yu Qingliu turned his head and sprayed his brother all over.

Help me!

The old lady was already so worried about his marriage that she didn't care about her daughter-in-law's gender!

I have a feeling that if this goes on, I might not even care about the species anymore.


Things developed as Sheng nanxuan had expected.

He would play golf with Yu Zhengming at the golf course every week, and he even brought Gong mo along once. Yu Zhengming's impression of the two of them was not bad, and they got along well.