Jumping down from the 20th floor

ah! Gong mo screamed.

With a loud bang, the glass shattered and splattered everywhere.

Sheng nanxuan wanted to catch Gambino. If he chased after him, he would definitely be able to catch him! However, when he saw the glass shards flying towards him, he was afraid that they would hurt Gong mo and the baby. He immediately turned around and blocked the front of the pram. He pressed Gong mo into his arms and all the glass shards hit his back.

ah ... a few pieces of glass flew past his ears and Gong mo yelped again.

The glass fell to the ground. Sheng nanxuan only let go of her when he heard that the sound had stopped.

She cried and shouted,"dad, he-"

She saw him disappear from the window, and her whole body trembled.

"He's not your dad!" Sheng nanxuan quickly walked to the window.

Gong mo was afraid that he would fall down and shouted, " "Don't!"

"Don't be afraid!" Sheng nanxuan reached out to stop her. He walked to the window and stopped.