Do you think they'll believe you?

"Get lost!" Gambino scolded.

Jason clutched his stomach and got up. He walked out of the room with his head lowered, not daring to look at Shan Rong.

After the door was closed, Shan Rong was scared and hurriedly hid on the other side of the bed.

Gambino walked over, approaching her step by step.

She grabbed the bedside lamp and pointed it at him. "Don't come over!"

Gambino stretched out his hand. He was clearly three meters away from her, but in the blink of an eye, he had rushed in front of her and crushed the lamp in her hand.

ah! Shan Rong screamed and turned to run.

Gambino pulled her back, grabbed her neck, and pressed her down on the bed. He asked viciously, " "You want to tell them that I'm not the original person?"

Dan Rong's throat was clutched, and she could not breathe. She waved her hands excitedly at him.