The rescue

Gong mo guessed that he was about to take action to save dan Rong. He suddenly threw himself into his arms and hugged him."I want mom to come back, but I don't want anything to happen to you!"

"I know, I won't do anything stupid."

Gong mo hugged him tightly and started crying.

She didn't want him to take the risk, but she couldn't leave Shan Rong alone. She didn't know what to do.

be good, Yueyue. Take good care of the child. I'll be back soon. Sheng nanxuan kissed the top of her head.

"Be careful," Gong mo released him.

"Don't worry!" Sheng nanxuan smiled confidently.

But even so, Gong mo couldn't relax.


After Sheng nanxuan left the house, he went straight to the casino.

At this moment, the casino was bustling with people. Men and women in gorgeous clothes were shouting to their hearts 'content around the gambling table.

Sheng nanxuan found a table and sat down, playing quietly.