They're back in the country

"Have a good sleep." Sheng nanxuan remembered that he was his uncle and finally felt a little compassion for him. we will get off the boat when it reaches the shore tomorrow.

"I haven't even seen any beautiful scenery yet!" Yu Qingliu was unhappy, " what a beautiful country, what a beautiful sea route. Everyone else is here for a holiday to enjoy nature, but I've been running for my life! What a bitter life!"

Sheng nanxuan felt that he was the one who had a hard life!

Everyone was asleep, and he still had to deal with Gambino's men.

He had just ordered people to tie up Jason and the others, so Jason and the others could not go and inform the others. Now that he had been captured, he naturally let Jason go.

Then, Jason led his men to find the unconscious primogenitor, only to find that the BOSS had disappeared!

Jason looked at Sheng nanxuan. Sheng nanxuan said calmly, " "If you trust me, come with me to find him tomorrow. I know where he is."