I won't kill you if you surrender

Carter was shocked, and the people around him were even more panicked.

Carter hurriedly turned around and walked out of the laboratory. A few experts in white coats ran over. "Someone has barged in!"

who dares to break into this place?! Carter's face was livid.

Everyone had never encountered such a situation before. They all said at once, "Prepare to defend!"

"Contact the higher-ups and request for reinforcements!"

"Make the emergency preparations!"

"Connect to the surveillance cameras!"

The scene of every corner of the laboratory appeared on the electronic wall.

Because of the alarm, everyone was on guard, and the area near the entrance was in a panic.

A group of men with loaded guns walked into the laboratory as if no one was there. They used their guns to threaten the staff to gather to the side.

"What's their background?" Carter asked.

Liu Xuelan gasped.

Everyone looked at her, and her face was pale.