Wrong seniority, right?

Yu Qingliu told his older brother Yu Qingping about his speculations, and Yu Qingping told Yu Zhengming.

Yu Zhengming beat his chest and stomped his feet, blaming himself endlessly.

It was his thoughtless consideration that had harmed qinghuan.

"Don't tell Min Ling, in case she overthinks," he instructed Yu Qingping.

"I know," Yu Qingping said.

"Where's Qingliu? Where did he go? I haven't seen him for a long time! Tell him to come back quickly!"

someone posted the information about the SSC on a foreign decryption website, and he knew so much about it. Even if he didn't post it, he was obviously involved. Yu Qingping said worriedly, " I've already asked him. He said he's fine, so I didn't ask much.


In joy garden, Gong mo and Shan Rong were unaware of the bloody storm between the two parties.

They didn't care much about these things and didn't expect such a complicated situation.