Respect Yingluo?

Primo returned to his room in a Huff to look at Gambino.

I'll go take a look, "rich said.

Sheng nanxuan nodded. He helped Gong mo sit down and asked the servant to get him some water.

Hu Zi had been sleeping, but he was awoken by this.

He twisted his body and stood up from Sheng nanxuan's arms. He leaned on Sheng nanxuan's shoulder and looked at the crowd. His eyes were as wet as a deer's.

Sheng nanxuan patted his back gently. The others did not know what to do.

Those underlings should have left. After all, their boss and Madam were here, and they shouldn't have stayed to disturb them.

However, if they went out now, they might be suspected of escaping for their lives, and everyone would feel embarrassed instead.

Yu Qingliu sat down opposite Sheng nanxuan and mocked, " "You're running very fast~"

Sheng nanxuan glanced at him. you're speaking as if you didn't run away.