It's good as long as you think it's good

The Yu family knew that they could not control Sheng nanxuan. Just treat him as a junior and dote on him, don't use the status of an elder.

They positioned themselves in a way that made Gong mo and Sheng nanxuan feel at home.

Sheng nanxuan thought that it was indeed different to have relatives.

In fact, Gong mo had rarely met such an elder. Since she was young, other than dan Rong, only her grandparents had truly doted on her. It was a pity that her grandparents had passed away when she was in primary school. The elders of the Shan family and the gong family all despised her. After so many years, this was the first time she had met someone who treated her so well.

"What do you think?" Sheng nanxuan asked.

"I think it's pretty good." "What about you?" Gong mo asked with a smile. They're your family."

"As long as you think it's good,"

"What do you mean by whatever I think is good?" Gong mo couldn't help but laugh.