I can't be good to you even if I want to?

"No, I don't. It was to let him understand everything. When he grew up, he could choose according to his preferences. Otherwise, if he comes into contact with too few things when he's young, he might not be able to find what he likes and is good at for the rest of his life when he grows up."

oh, oh, oh. Sheng nanxuan put his hands behind his back and said to her, " I don't know what I like or what I'm good at. But it's enough that I've found you.

"Why are you saying such sweet words again?" Gong mo was stunned. Did you do something bad?"

Sheng nanxuan rolled his eyes. can't I say sweet words? "  

"It's not that I can't tell you! If you insist on spouting nonsense, then I'll be suspicious of your motives."

"How am I spouting nonsense?"

"Why didn't you say anything? Aren't you good at making money by speculating in the stock market?"

"In that case, I'm also good at flying on roofs and vaulting on walls."