Visiting to apologize

"No need to trouble yourself. Since mom thinks that eating too much will spoil my teeth, then let me eat." Gong mo said as he reached for the candy.

"One moment you're eating, the next you're not eating, don't you find it annoying?" Shan Rong said.

Gong mo took a bite of a sweet and said to Sheng nanxuan, " "So sweet!"

"Be careful of your broken teeth." Sheng nanxuan said.

"If it's broken, get me a new one with diamonds!"

pfft ... Sheng nanxuan laughed. don't even talk about diamonds. I'll do it with all diamonds!

Shan Rong took a piece of candy and ate it. Gong mo asked in confusion,""Aren't you afraid of damaging your teeth?"

"It doesn't matter. I'll get your dad to change my diamond set too!"

nanxuan said that he'll change it to a full diamond one ~"Gong mo said smugly.

you ... dan Rong reached out and grabbed her neck, wanting to hit her.

She hurriedly screamed,"ah, I was wrong!" You're wrong ..."