I want to bring my boyfriend home

She reached out to hold his face and said with a smile,"Yes, for you! I'm a superstitious person. As the saying goes,'God is three feet above us'. What if the God heard Tian Cheng's blessing and we mistreated Tian Cheng? what if the God made the blessing ineffective?"

"As long as she's willing to treat you with sincerity, we'll naturally treat her with sincerity too."

In any case, being good to Tian Cheng was nothing more than helping her in life and material things. He didn't lack that bit of material things, but it wasn't like he couldn't do it in other aspects!

Nothing was better than his wife being happy!


Yu family.

Wu surong and Min Ling were discussing the menu for tomorrow's lunch.

Yu Qingliu said, " you make it so Grand every time. Nanxuan will feel pressured. Can't you be more natural? "