They're here to show off their love again!

Gong mo said that he would go home for dinner tonight. Wu surong was reluctant to let them go, but she couldn't force them to stay. After all, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and everyone wanted to reunite. She wanted a group, and Shan Rong definitely wanted a group too.

So, Wu surong asked them to stay until five in the afternoon.

When Gong mo and Sheng nanxuan returned home, they were preparing dinner. Dan Rong and Gambino were making Daddi at the dining room table.

Nanjiang's Mid-Autumn Festival custom was to eat Papa, and eating crab had only become popular in recent years.

Richard really liked to eat this kind of sweet and soft food. In his memory, when he was young, his Daddi was always made by Shan Rong.

At that time, life was tight, and Shan Rong was reluctant to buy it, so it was cheaper to make it herself. When they were slightly older and the conditions were better, dan Rong found it troublesome and would buy them directly from the market.