Let's go home, Tiger Baby!

Yu Zhengming jumped in shock, but he chuckled, "You're awake?"

Hu Zi pouted and got up from the blanket. Seeing Wu surong lying beside him, he started crying, waah waah ... Mommy waah "

Wu surong woke up and saw Yu Zhengming standing by the bed. She scolded, "Why are you scaring the child?"

Yu Zhengming spread his hands,"who scared him?" He misses his parents."

"Wuwuwuwu," Hu Zi cried until he was out of breath. He didn't know if it was because his parents didn't want him anymore, but he felt like he hadn't seen them for a long time.

"Don't cry, don't cry. Daddy will be here soon." Wu surong consoled.

mommy ... Hu Zi cried out sadly.

"I'll go make a call!" Yu Zhengming said.

Wu surong said,"it's so early now. What if they're still sleeping?" Let's take care of them for a while. If they wake up, they'll definitely come!"

"But we can't stop him from crying like this!"