Chapter 783-joining shadow

do you still have any principles?! Sheng Dongyi bellowed.

"I just want money, why do I need principles?" King looked at him as if he was an idiot. I have so many people under me. I just got a new batch of people. Training them and raising them will cost a lot of money! Why did I accept your business? Because you give a lot of money! So many that I don't even care about love! Now that Sheng nanxuan is giving me ten times the amount you're giving me, why should I not agree?"

Sheng Dongyi's limbs trembled in anger and fear.

He was afraid that King would kill him in the next second!

He gritted his teeth and asked,"aren't you afraid that I'll tell others about this?" If everyone knew that the dark shadow doesn't follow the rules when doing business, I wonder if anyone would still look for you?"

King laughed coldly. He suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at him. you'll have to be able to get out of here alive first. Dead people can't speak."