Tang Xinxin isn't someone to be trifled with

However, Gong ye felt that she was resting and had nothing to do, so it was fine to disturb her. If he was doing something serious, then that would be a real disturbance. Wasn't this a good time to save time?

"Big sister Xinxin, do you have something to do later?" She asked.

"What's the matter?" Tang Xinxin asked.

"I'm fine!" Gong ye smiled. I plan to go to my cousin's place later. I want to ask big sister Xinxin to come with me.

Oh, " Tang Xinxin said. I'm afraid I can't go. I have something to do.

"Then, when is big sister Xinxin free? let's go together. I'm starting to miss Hu."

I have a boyfriend recently, " Tang Xinxin said. I'm going on a date with him. I don't know when I'll go there.

Gong Ying paused, knowing that she was deliberately making an excuse. He asked, " "I heard that big sister Xinxin's boyfriend is Wu Di?"

yeah! Tang Xinxin crossed her legs in front of her and sat upright in meditation.