I suspect she's an assassin sent by the dark shadow

"He's inside! Why are you still hesitating?" Ding dang was extremely anxious. What kind of person was Sheng nanxuan? Even if they spoke softly, he could still hear them! If they dawned any longer, they wouldn't be caught!

Ding dang felt that she couldn't wait any longer. She wanted to rush in, but she suddenly heard a sound coming from the stairs. She turned around in a hurry.

Gong mo walked over with Hu Zi in his arms and asked, " "What are you guys doing here?"

ah! a woman's scream came from the room.

Gong mo was stunned for a moment. His expression changed and he quickly walked to the door.

Ding dang immediately helped to open the door. Gong mo immediately saw Sheng nanxuan, who had taken off his shirt.

He was pressing Cindy against the wall, and their actions were very ambiguous.

Sheng nanxuan's expression changed when he saw them.

Gong Mo's hands trembled and he almost threw Hu Zi to the ground.