Chapter 872-Shan Rong giving birth

confirm if Cindy is telling the truth. The location of the base has been roughly marked. As long as the DNA matches, we'll immediately attack there!"

"What if it doesn't match?"

Sheng nanxuan shook his head and said,"that's not possible." I guessed that, first, Cindy was telling the truth, and second, mom was being controlled by the FARC, and the latter had deliberately sent Cindy to lie to me. But if that's the case, there's no need for her to go sing, right?"

Yu Qingliu was speechless for a while and said,"if she's a spy and goes to sing, then Yingluo will be in a lot of trouble." However, it could also be to get close to commander CEng and destroy your power."

so, when you go to the desert, be careful, just in case.

Yu Qingliu nodded. Sheng nanxuan had considered things comprehensively, so there should be no problem.