Where did you get the money?

"My mind wasn't clear in the past, don't take it to heart," little aunt smiled sheepishly.

"Aunt, what are you saying? I'm a junior, how can I be calculative with you?"

"Haha, Yingluo, you're magnanimous. Your mother taught you well. But Auntie will definitely reflect on herself."

Gong mo smiled sincerely. Her aunt pulled a long face, but her words made her feel comfortable.

Gong Ying and Gong Jin knew they had done something wrong, but they refused to admit it. They even wanted to take advantage of her. How could it be that easy? Especially Gong ye, who continued to make her angry. She really didn't want to bother with him for the rest of her life!

"If my dad knows what you said, he will be very happy," Gong mo said with a smile.

Youngest aunt sighed,"second brother, it's such a pity. Otherwise, your family of three would be so happy now!" Your mother must have wanted to wait for him to come home, that's why she was a widow for so many years."