Closest to mother

Gong mo pulled the blanket away and pulled him out. He said patiently, " Hu's the same as his mother. That means he's the closest to his mother!

Hu Zi was stunned and looked at her in a daze, as if he was asking: Was it like this?

Gong mo nodded his head.

Hu Zi's eyes brightened. He crawled up and hugged her, shouting happily, " "Mother ..."

He remembered that his father's voice had also become unpleasant, which meant that his father was very close to him! However, it was not as unpleasant as his mother's, which meant that he was not as close as his mother.

This was good! His mother's status had not wavered, and his father was very close to him. He was very satisfied with this situation.

Sheng nanxuan, who was resting on the next bed, raised his eyes and could not help but smile.

shush ... Gong mo whispered to Hu Zi, " don't disturb daddy.

Hu Zi glanced at Sheng nanxuan and whispered to her, " "I'll go over."

"I'll go later."

"To see daddy."