Let me give you a massage

"Save me!" Gong mo grabbed him and climbed out of the bathtub.

"Gong mo!" Sheng nanxuan was shocked and wrapped her in his bathrobe.

so much water! Gong mo cried, " I'm scared of water!

"Don't be afraid! I'm here!"

I don't want to take a bath! Gong mo cried as he hugged him. Qingqing will drown me!

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't shower." Sheng nanxuan helped her into the bedroom and helped her change into her pajamas.

wait a moment. I'll get some water for you to soak your feet. You'll sleep more comfortably this way. He made her sit on the bed and draped a blanket over her shoulders.

"I don't want water!" Gong mo was still very afraid.

"Don't be afraid, it's just soaking your feet." Sheng nanxuan comforted her gently.

"Come back quickly then," Gong mo nodded after a moment of hesitation.

When Sheng nanxuan heard this, he hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek. "Don't be afraid. I'm at home. I won't let anything happen to you."