Sheng nanxuan, your loyal dog

"You can go alone!" Gong mo said.

"Don't!" Sheng nanxuan said in disdain, " I'm not interested in that kind of thing. If you need to donate, just let Fang Yang do it on my behalf."

you have to give Xinran some face, right? " Gong mo mumbled softly.

I already said that I'm not going. She's just following the procedure. Don't worry.

Shan Rong held Gambino's card and asked,"what kind of charity dinner is this?" Why is your dad's name here?"

Gong mo smiled,"the Jade necklace that dad gave you was bought at this banquet. It cost 50 million Yuan!" He's definitely going to spend money on him!"

Gambino looked at her helplessly. I didn't spend any money on you. Are you jealous? " Alright, I'll go and bid for one for you this time!"

"I don't care if you are or not, as long as I am!" Gambino said, " I didn't prepare anything when you got married. I have to make up for the dowry.