Quickly go over and say hello!

"I still have to thank you for what happened last time."

what's the matter?"Wu yayun was stunned.

um, Qianqian,"Cindy said, embarrassed. I'm just saying that Qianqian thanks you for giving me the idea on Mrs. Sheng's birthday.

that's nothing ~"Wu Yunyun didn't take it to heart.

As time went on, the venue became more and more lively, surrounded by celebrities and superstars.

Gong Gong also followed Wu lie and sneaked in.

She was not qualified to accept the invitation, but the Wu family and the Yu family were relatives. Every year, second brother Wu would get a few invitation cards for his grandchildren. Now that she and Wu Li were a couple, Wu Li would naturally bring her in.

"Your cousin should be coming, right?" Wu Li asked.

that's right. Gong Mao smiled and looked around. I wonder where they're having a chat.