Your mother's weight in my heart is less than meat

"I'll make him some meat porridge tomorrow," Gong mo turned around and said.

"He even thinks that the meat in the meat porridge is too small!" Sheng nanxuan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door closed.

He turned around and saw that Gong mo had left.

He sighed in disappointment and poked Hu Zi's face."Mom doesn't want us anymore."

Hu Zi was stunned. He turned his head and saw that his mother was gone!

"Waa ..." Hu Zi cried.

Sheng nanxuan was speechless. I'm just joking. Yingluo, you eat first.

He picked up the bowl of porridge and brought a spoonful to Hu's mouth.

Hu Zi shook his head and cried until he was out of breath."Meat ..."

Sheng nanxuan was speechless. do you want a mother or meat? " he asked.

"Meat ..."

"We're finished! Your mother's weight in my heart is not as high as her meat!"
