Then she can't run away

New Year's Day was a little cold, but it wasn't a big deal to hold it indoors. When her stomach was a Little Big, she could lower the waist of the wedding dress a little higher. It would not be obvious if she wore a shawl over it, and it should be able to hide from most people.

The Yu family and Gong Bai didn't plan to tell the world after the child was born.

"So fast?" Gong Mao was surprised.

It might be an exaggeration for an ordinary person to take five months to prepare for their wedding, but after interacting with the upper-class people, she realized that they would take at least a year to prepare for their wedding!

Five months was too much of a rush!

For a fair-skinned, rich, and beautiful woman like Yu Xinran, all her wedding dresses and diamond rings had to be custom-made. A picky bride might not even be able to come up with a blueprint after five months!