She doesn't even have this much courtesy?

Uncle Gong and Hu Yinghong's faces immediately darkened. Didn't that mean that his Gong Bai was useless? He had been in Beijing for so many years, but he had never bought a car!

"It's sister Feifei's car," Gong Jin said, embarrassed.

When Hu Yinghong heard this, she beamed and said,"it's FEI Yan's car?" Then I want to sit! I want to take flare's car!"

"Then what should we do, Yueyue?" Third aunt asked.

"You guys can take a taxi!" Hu Yinghong's face turned serious, expressing her dissatisfaction with third aunt's earlier actions.

but it's gong Jin who is driving, " the third aunt said with a smile. we wanted to talk to Gong Jin on the way.

"Gong Bai can also drive, right?" Hu Yinghong asked the silent Gong Bai.

"Why don't we all take this bus together?" Gong Bai asked expressionlessly.