Save my child

She felt the fetus leaving her body bit by bit and cried in despair.

She couldn't bear to leave her child and Gong Bai.

She was determined to be with Gong Bai now only because of her child.

If she didn't have a child, she wouldn't have been so tired even if she loved Gong Bai.

But she really loved him and couldn't bear to leave him. Therefore, this child had to exist! His existence complemented Gong Bai's, and she couldn't let anything happen to her child. If anything happened to her child, she didn't know if she would still have a future with Gong Bai.

Gong Mo's chauffeur drove the car over and the bodyguards carried Yu Xinran into the car with Gong mo.

Yu Xinran grabbed Gong mo and cried helplessly, " save him, Yingluo, save my child, Yingluo, find uncle!

"I know!" Gong mo sat beside her and held her hand. don't be afraid. We'll be there soon.