You'll see the old Gong Bai

Gong Bai was standing in the room. He had lost a lot of weight after a few days. He had a stubble on his face and hadn't been washed for a long time. His hair was also messy, probably not combed for many days. His eyes were empty, and he looked as if he had nothing to live for.

"Ya!" Hu Zi was so scared that he threw himself into Sheng nanxuan's arms.

Gong mo was also shocked. He cried out in pain, " "Cousin! What are you doing?"

Gong Bai opened the door and walked in shakily.

Gong mo followed him in and saw that the room was in a mess. There were half-packed luggage, empty beer cans and instant noodles boxes, and cigarette butts all over the floor.

cough, cough, cough. Gong mo choked on the smoke in the air and started coughing.

Hu Zi was also coughing.

Sheng nanxuan carried Hu Zi to the window and opened it. Hu Zi immediately exhaled heavily.

After a while, when the air in the room was more fresh, he turned around with Hu Zi in his arms.