Gong Bai returns home

"You ... I really owe you! I'll serve you every day!" Hu Yinghong went to the kitchen, and soon returned with a bowl of dumplings.

Gong Jie took a bite and vomited again.

After she was done vomiting, Hu Yinghong looked at her sternly. "It looks like it's true. Whose child is it?"

"Wu Li."

"Who is that?"

Although Hu Yinghong had been in Beijing for more than a month, she didn't know much about Gong Chang's private life. She had no idea who Wu Li was.

he's my ex-boyfriend. You don't know him. Gong Ying drank some water and continued eating the dumplings.

"I'm afraid you've been here for two months, right? Does he know?" Hu Yinghong asked worriedly.

"I just found out, how would he know?"