Chapter 1038-safe journey

Lu Yang was a little excited. When he held Yu Xinran's hand, he accidentally pulled the veil. He clumsily lifted the veil and helped her put the ring on.

Yu Xinran was very calm, and every action and step was done in an orderly manner without any mistakes.

"The groom can kiss the bride now." The priest said.

Lu Yang removed the veil on Yu Xinran's head and lowered his head to kiss her gently on the lips.

The audience burst into applause, and Gong mo also applauded.

Lu Yang walked down with Yu Xinran. Gong mo looked at them and took out his phone. There were people taking pictures with their mobile phones around her, so her actions were not abrupt. She dialed Gong Bai's number and put the phone to her ear.

After a while, the call connected.

"Hello?" Gong Bai's calm voice came.

Gong Mo's throat was blocked and he suddenly didn't know what to say.