It can't be such a coincidence, right?

The chief editor explained, " Star Entertainment wants to buy the film and television rights of a few novels. The website wants to take the opportunity to promote a guru. However, this person chose Qin Zhuan studio.

Gong mo finally understood. Everyone had their own opinions on the candidates.

"What's the situation with the other authors?" she asked.

"Actually, we all prefer this author called orange is not sweet." The editor-in-chief opened the PowerPoint, and a few novels written by Cheng butian appeared on the screen.

"She's been here since the station started. She's written very well and has even published it. But she hasn't been updating well in the past two months, and she didn't come to the annual meeting even when we asked her to. We suspect that she's going to jump ship to Yingluo. It's not good for the company to reject her!"

"What about the others?"