Don't tell your brother-in-law

"What's wrong with me writing? I was in high school! When your second uncle was studying when I was young, I read a lot of his books! Yours is too profound, I don't know how to do it, but I think some of the ones I've seen are quite simple and I can give it a try."

sure ~"Tian Cheng smiled. if you want to write, you can. I'll teach you!

"But aren't I too old?"

"How could this be? We have a God in our station who is already 40 years old!"

"Forget it, I was just joking." Little aunt hurriedly waved her hand. that's too much of a strain on my brain. I'll just be your assistant!

In fact, she had secretly tried it out to see Tian Cheng's reaction. However, she remembered that the process was not as simple as she had imagined. She had to take care of Tian Cheng now, so she should not waste her energy.

The two of them were chatting when the doorbell rang.