Entering Happy Garden

"Where will the wedding be held?" Tian Cheng asked anxiously.

Joy garden was so big that it naturally had a specific location.

"It's just behind the rose Garden. After the wedding, Momo and nanxuan will take a helicopter to the airport and go on their honeymoon!"

"We'll take care of Hu Zi then!" Wu surong said with a smile.

"Then I'll go up and say hello to my cousin first, and then we'll go together." Tian Cheng said.

"Alright, we'll wait for you here." Yu Xinran said.


At the entrance of joy garden. The man got out of the car with a small wrapped gift and an invitation in his hand. He slowly walked to the bodyguard who was checking the invitation.

I'm miss Xin's assistant. She's at the hospital and can't come over, so she asked me to bring her gifts.

The bodyguard checked the invitation carefully. Seeing that there was no problem, he raised his head and asked, " "May I know your name, Sir?"

The man paused and smiled,"aunt Liu."