A gathering of old friends

On Yu Xinya's tenth birthday, Sheng Yiting had to go to school. Gong mo and Sheng nanxuan waited for him to go home and change before going to the Yu family.

The Yu family was very lively. All of their relatives had come, and there were even a few colleagues of Yu Qingliu and ding dang.

These colleagues all had children, and when Yu Xinya went to the hospital and the police station to play, she got to know their children.

Gong mo and the others were the last to arrive, because Sheng Yiting was the only one in junior high school among the group of children, and he was the last to leave school.

Walking into the living room of the Yu family, she saw more than a dozen children of all sizes. The older one was about the same size as Sheng Yiting, while the younger one could not speak!

"Come quickly!" Tang Xinxin waved at her. we're all waiting for you!

take good care of your younger brother and sister, " Gong mo said to Sheng Yiting.