A chemical reaction!

Tong Siyao was speechless.

Ye Zi saw the look of disdain on her face and was unhappy. "He's the son of the richest man in the country, okay? His only son! The money earned by the richest man was all his! He would be the richest man in the country in the future! No, I'm afraid he'll be the richest man in the world in his time!"

"Hmph, spoiled second generation!" Tong Siyao expressed her disdain.

"What's the second generation ancestor doing?" Ye Zi shouted, " the money Sheng nanxuan earned will not be completely spent even if his descendants spend ten generations! The spoilt young master had a steady temperament and clear eyes. He didn't look like the kind of rich young master who only knew how to spend money. He might even be better than his father! You must seize the opportunity!"

"Don't! if you like it, go and chase it. Tong Siyao closed her eyes and leaned against the bed.

sigh ... ye Zi sighed. I'd like to court him, but he won't even look me in the eye!