Daddy will hit him later

"Shuangxue!" Sheng Yiting shouted.

what? " Tong Siyao stood up anxiously. how could you be so fierce to her? "

Didn't I Yingluo do it for you?

"Children are very sensitive. Quickly go and apologize to her."

"Zhenzhen can do it." Sheng Yiting had never said a harsh word to Sheng shuangxue before. He was worried. what about you? "

"I'm fine. The nurse will be here to pick me up soon."

then be careful. If you need anything, just shout. There are people all around.

Tong Siyao nodded.

Sheng Yiting chased after Sheng shuangxue, but she didn't go to Wu surong. Instead, she ran straight to the hospital building.

As he walked past Wu surong, Yu Qingliu laughed gloatingly, " "Women aren't easy to deal with, right?"

Sheng Yiting sighed helplessly and looked at him. "It seems that granduncle is very experienced."


Sheng shuangxue rushed into the ward and threw herself on Gong mo while crying.

"What's wrong with you?!" Gong mo asked anxiously.