Chapter 1195-won't it be bad if you catch her?

Yu Xinya looked at Sheng Yiting sympathetically, then smiled at her. "We can be a couple in the future~"

"Why is my little cousin here?" Sheng Yiting asked hurriedly.

dinner, of course! Yu Xinya gave him a meaningful look. alright, I won't disturb you guys anymore. Bye~"

She waved at Tong Siyao and turned to leave.

Sheng Yiting heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly said to Tong Siyao, " "She's talking nonsense, don't take it to heart."

Tong Siyao shook her head. Seeing Yu Xinya sitting at the same table with two young women, she guessed that they were her best friends out for dinner.

Just then, her and Sheng Yiting's food was ready.

The waiter laid out the food and helped to open the wine. There was a rose in the middle of the table and an incense lamp was lit.

The ruckus earlier had already diluted the tense atmosphere. This made Tong Siyao a little uncomfortable.

After the waiter left, she lowered her head and cut the steak silently.