Your son is possessed

Sheng shuangxue walked to his side angrily and stuffed the snake into his hand. "Watch closely, I'm going to do my homework!"

"Why should I?" Sheng Yiting wanted to throw it away.

"I'll tell dad if you don't think well of it!" The little princess glared at him threateningly.

Sheng Yiting shivered. He looked at the snake and agreed, thinking that it was not as scary as his father.

Sheng shuangxue picked up her bag and went back to her room. He asked gloomily, " "Don't you need me to explain the questions to you?"

"I'm not an idiot!"

"Yingluo, why did you ask me to tell you before?"

Sheng Yiting sat down, put the cage on the coffee table, and turned on the TV absent-mindedly.

Half an hour later, Sheng nanxuan returned.

Gong mo ran over to him happily and kissed him on the lips. Then, he pointed at Sheng Yiting and said, " "Your son is possessed."

Sheng nanxuan glanced at it, then walked over and looked at the cage on the coffee table.