Can't he warm up her heart?

Lu duo sent Yu Xinran off and David came back quickly. He asked, " "What did she say?"

Lu duo told him the truth.

what's your plan? " David was confused. you told Sheng Yiting that? "

Lu duo smiled mysteriously,'disappear! Don't you know that distance breeds beauty? When he needs me, I'll appear and he'll realize my good points."

"Are you confident?" Dave was still doubtful.

In his opinion, emotions were the most unreliable things without specific data to measure and measure.

"Just wait and see, he'll become mine very soon!" Lu duo said proudly.


Yu Xinran was staying at Yu Qingping's house, in the same room as before their wedding.

After she went back, she thought about what Lu duo said and felt a little worried.

Lu duo had no experience in relationships. What if she couldn't think straight and went astray?

She didn't want a good girl to lose her sense of self for a man.

She thought about it and told Lu Yang about it when he came back.