Chapter 1285-the end

Tong Siyao glared at him unhappily. She took her phone and went to the next room, planning to hide for a while.

When Sheng Yiting went to take a shower, she heard the sound of running water and couldn't help but let her imagination run wild.

At some point, a shadow had appeared beside him.

She looked up and saw Sheng Yiting standing beside her with a towel wrapped around him. Water droplets were dripping from his hair and sliding down his pectoral muscles.

Tong Siyao couldn't help but swallow her saliva and immediately lowered her head.

He held her shoulders and pressed her down on the bed, his entire body on top of hers.

"What are you doing?" Tong Siyao was shocked.

Sheng Yiting kissed her on the lips and swallowed her voice. He was telling her what he was going to do.

After it was over, the two of them were drenched in sweat. He carried her to the bathroom to take a shower.

Tong Siyao stood firmly, so she could only let him help her wash.