Chapter 1340-you pretend, I pretend, everyone pretend

J country unanimously believed that Yao Lei was pretending, and even a psychiatrist wouldn't be able to find out anything.

However, they didn't dare to take such a genius lightly. Whether he was pretending or not, they would just treat him as one.

Hence, everyone also pretended!

In the beginning, Yao Lei wasn't on bewilderment Fog Island, but in J country.

Even though Yao Lei was out of his mind, he still showed great hostility and caution.

Hence, a group of J country people pretended to be Chinese and staged a rescue operation, " saving " him to bewilderment Fog Island, and then said, " This is a sanatorium in China, and we're all your compatriots, and we're treating you! You're already home. Those people from J country can't do anything to you. Don't worry!

Yao Lei relaxed and showed his dependence and trust in them.

Everyone saw that there was hope!