How is it possible that I failed?

"I will love you the most in the future." King looked at her, his voice cold and emotionless.

Julia lay on the operating table in despair. Her eyes were wide open as she stared blankly at the ceiling.

It started to rain outside the window, and the dull sound of thunder rolled in the clouds, as if it would fall at any time and explode the ground.

Sheng Yiting parked the car at the entrance of the hospital and realized that the hospital did not arrange for a stretcher. He jumped out of the car and opened the back door."Carry him in first!"

Simon carried Xin Rong out of the car, and large raindrops fell on his body. The sky was dark. It was clearly daytime, but it seemed to be getting dark.

The two of them quickly walked into the outpatient department and shouted twice before someone pushed a stretcher over.

Simon placed Xin Rong on the stretcher and followed behind her as she entered the operating room.