She has become Xin Rong

Judy closed her eyes, feeling a headache.

"What's wrong with you?" the man asked in a hurry.

it hurts, " Judy said in annoyance. She wanted to shoot him!

In this lifetime, no one had ever dared to be so long-winded in front of her!

She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

She clearly remembered that she was on bewilderment Fog Island and had her throat slit by that " Yao Yiyi ". She should have been dead. At that time, Anqi and the others were in trouble and definitely couldn't save her in time.

She pinched her palm with her nails and felt a little pain. She was not dreaming.

However, why did she open her eyes and see the person in her dream?

And the principle of dreams was that what you think in the day, you dream at night. How could you dream of someone you've never seen for no reason? It was not scientific at all!

The man looked at her and said in a bad mood, " "Then you should sleep for a while! You're really ..."